interface OpviousClientOptions {
    endpoint?: string | false | URL;
    impersonation?: string;
    maxRetryDelayMillis?: number;
    telemetry?: Telemetry;
    token?: string;


endpoint?: string | false | URL

Base API endpoint URL. If undefined, uses process.env.OPVIOUS_ENDPOINT if set, and falls back to the default endpoint otherwise. Setting this to false will always use the default endpoint.

impersonation?: string

Impersonation information (only available to administrators).

maxRetryDelayMillis?: number

Maximum number of milliseconds to wait for when retrying rate-limited requests. Defaults to 2_500.

telemetry?: Telemetry

Telemetry instance used for logging, etc.

token?: string

API authorization header or access token, defaulting to process.env.OPVIOUS_TOKEN.